Friday, April 9, 2021

Post-Brexit bullsh*t

 A week ago, I bought a second-hand cassette deck on eBay, from a seller in Germany, for €59 (about £51). Given the model, this was a pretty good price. Shipping was quoted as €22 (£19) - OK. Then, the post-Brexit shit started to hit the fan.

First, eBay charged VAT at 20% on the purchase, as apparently they now have do for items bought from the EU for under £135. So, that's another £14.

Then the seller got in touch to say the courier had increased their prices as a result of the UK leaving the EU. So, that was another £11

Then, today, the courier got in contact to say they wouldn't deliver the parcel until I paid another £10 in import VAT and a £12 clearance fee. So, another £22.

All told, Brexit cost me an additional £47 on a item that cost £51. 

I did not vote for this. Those of you who did, welcome to the new world, I hope you feel it was all worth it.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

h = 25

 My Google Scholar h-index just ticked over to 25; five months since the last uptick. Minorly faster steady progress ;-)